Terms of service

Terms of service

At McKeown Medical, we are committed to delivering the highest levels of service to all of our patients.

If you have any questions about our terms of service, please contact us and one of our friendly team will be happy to help.

Package Price and Payments

1.1 Service Provision

We will provide the Services to you as detailed in the Admission Letter, which outlines the care and treatment you will receive under the Package. The Admission Letter will also specify the Package Price, as well as any appointment or admission dates and payment methods.

1.3 Package Price Conditions

Your Package Price is contingent on the results of your consultation and assessment with your consultant. Once confirmed, the price will remain fixed, provided your treatment occurs within three months of the initial offer date. 

The Package Price is determined based on:

  • Your consultant’s medical advice,
  • Necessary post-operative care,
  • The complexity of your care and treatment. We will always explain how the Package Price is calculated before proceeding with your care and treatment.

1.4 Additional Costs

Expenses not included in the Package Price will be charged at the Clinic’s standard rates. See 1.6 for what is excluded from the Package Price.

What is Included and Excluded in the Package Price

1.5 Inclusions

Unless otherwise specified in your Admission Letter, the Package Price includes:

  • Any pre-operative assessment at the Clinic to determine your fitness for the procedure before your admission, if necessary,
  • Accommodation and meals at the Clinic for the duration of your required stay,
  • Nursing care while you are at the Clinic,
  • The Clinic’s theatre fees, drugs, and dressings while you are there,
  • Your consultant’s or other healthcare professional’s operating fee and anaesthetist’s fee (if applicable) while you are at the Clinic,
  • Any necessary prosthesis (approved by us) typically used for your procedure,
  • Take-home medications prescribed by your consultant for up to fourteen days after discharge and antibiotics for the stated period,
  • Up to six months of post-operative care, where clinically required by your consultant and provided at the Clinic, including:
    • Removal of stitches, dressings, or plaster, if required,
    • Any tests and scans, where clinically required,
    • One follow-up consultation with your consultant, where clinically required,
    • Treatment for any clinical complications, as detailed in clause 3 below.

1.6 Exclusions

The Package Price does not cover:

  • Diagnostic tests or services received prior to your treatment, which will be invoiced separately by your consultant or us (acting as your consultant’s agent),
  • The consultant’s or any other healthcare professional’s fee for the initial outpatient consultation,
  • Any care or treatment provided outside the Clinic , including NHS care or treatment, unless part of your planned care pathway at the Clinic  as detailed in clause 1.5(b),
  • Any long-term care or treatment unrelated to your Package,
  • Any drugs or medication not included in the take-home drugs described in clause 1.5,
  • Convalescence, treatment, accommodation, or meals provided after your consultant has declared you fit for discharge,
  • Ambulance fees,
  • Replacement prosthesis or other items required due to normal wear and tear,
  • Any costs or fees not specified as included in clause 1.5 or in your Admission Letter. Such provisions will be billed separately at the Clinic’s standard rates, and you will be responsible for these charges.

1.7 Non-Related Medical Treatment

Any medical treatment not related to the care and treatment identified at your consultation, requiring a separate pathway of care, or not clinically required, is not included in the Package Price, even if performed at the Clinic before discharge.

1.8 Appointment Times

The time of your appointment on the day of your planned procedure is an estimate only. Treatment schedules and operating lists frequently change until the last minute, which may result in an earlier or later appointment time than originally planned. If your appointment is for a surgical procedure, please ensure you are available all day and have necessary arrangements in place to attend when required. If you cannot make your procedure time, your procedure may be cancelled.


2.1 Post-Operative Complications

The Package Price covers any medical or surgical complications directly related to your surgery for six months following your procedure, as described in clause 6.1, provided that:

  • Post-operative care and complications are treated at the Clinic,
  • You follow the advice of your consultant and other healthcare professionals involved in your care at the Clinic. The decision as to whether a complication is related to the procedure rests with your consultant or healthcare professional.

2.2 Cosmetic Surgery

If your treatment involves cosmetic surgery and the outcome does not meet your consultant’s expectations, revision surgery may be provided free of charge (subject to approval by the Clinic’s Medical Director, provided this is identified by your consultant within six months of your initial admission. If the cosmetic result meets the consultant’s expectations, any revision surgery will be chargeable at the Clinic’s and the consultant’s standard rates.

Your Rights to Cancel and Applicable Refunds

2.3 Cancellation by You

If you decide not to proceed with your procedure or any other services as part of your Package, you may cancel at any time. 


2.3.1 Surgical procedures

A booking deposit is charged at the time of reserving your surgery slot. If you cancel your surgery date with more than one month’s notice, this deposit will be fully refunded. If you cancel or wish to reschedule your procedure with less than one month’s notice, you will forfeit the booking deposit and must pay an additional deposit to book another date in the future. The balance of your Package Price is due two weeks before your procedure date. Should you cancel with less than two weeks’ notice, the full balance will remain payable and non-refundable.

2.3.2 Non-surgical procedures

For some non-surgical procedures, we may take a deposit. This will be advised at the time of booking. If you cancel your procedure date with more than one month’s notice, this deposit will be fully refunded. If you cancel or wish to reschedule your procedure with less than one month’s notice, you will forfeit the booking deposit and must pay an additional deposit to book another date in the future. 

2.4 Cancellation by Consultant

If your consultant cancels your treatment for medical reasons or concerns about achieving your expectations, and you have already paid for your Package Price, we will refund your payment.

Our Rights to Cancel and Applicable Refunds

2.5 Cancellation by Us

We will make every effort to provide the Services on the date specified in your Admission Letter. However, we reserve the right to cancel or change the date of your procedure due to unforeseen circumstances, operational or technical reasons, or medical advice from your consultant. We will try to give as much notice as possible and will rearrange any appointment or admission dates where possible. If we cancel or refuse treatment, any advance payments for Services not provided will be refunded by electronic transfer to the original payer.

2.6 Refund Methods

Please note we do not issue refunds in cash, even if that was your original payment method.

2.7 Cancellation for Non-Payment

We may cancel any appointment or care if you fail to make the required payments.

NHS Treatment

2.8 NHS Treatment Charges

If you are not a UK resident and require NHS treatment not included in your Package Price, you will be liable for any charges. We may invoice you for any costs incurred due to NHS treatment or deduct these costs from your debit/credit card or any credit balance we hold. We will notify you before taking any payment.

International Patients

3.1 Documentation and Payment

By signing the Consent Form and agreeing to these Terms, you confirm that you have the necessary documentation to enter the UK and meet all relevant immigration criteria. You also confirm that you have made adequate payment arrangements for your care.

Other Terms and Conditions

4.1 Treatment Expectations and Complications

While McKeown Medical and your consultant will strive to meet your expectations, we cannot guarantee the outcome of any procedure, care, or treatment. Your consultant will explain potential complications before your treatment.

4.2 Necessary Information

We require certain information from you to provide the Services. This information may be requested by staff at the Clinic, your consultant, or other medical professionals. Failure to provide complete or accurate information may affect our ability to offer a full range of Services.

4.3 Valuables

We strongly advise against bringing valuables or cash to the Clinic. If you do, it is at your own risk as we do not accept responsibility for theft, loss, or damage to any property brought by you or your visitors.

Consultants – Important Information

5.1 Consultant Care

During an invasive procedure at McKeown Medical, your care will be under the consultant’s supervision, with McKeown Medical staff, including nurses, providing care based on the consultant’s instructions.

5.2 Independent Practitioners

Consultants involved in your care may be independent practitioners. McKeown Medical is not liable for any act or omission by an independent consultant, who is responsible for the care provided.

5.3 Consultant Fees

Your consultant, whether a physician, surgeon, or anaesthetist, may be an independent medical practitioner not employed by us. Unless advised otherwise, they will charge separately for their services, including the initial consultation. Our Package Price bill includes consultants’ fees during your stay at the Clinic, and we act only as the consultants’ agent in collecting these fees.

5.4 Consultant Authority

We are not responsible for the acts and omissions of consultants, anaesthetists, or other independent medical practitioners and their employers. Consultants and their secretarial staff do not have authority to quote Clinic charges. Any Clinic prices mentioned by them are subject to written confirmation by the Clinic.

If There is a Problem with the Services

5.5 Reporting Problems

If you encounter any issues with the Services, please contact us promptly, and we will investigate under our complaints procedure. We aim to resolve problems as soon as possible. Our complaints procedure is available from any Clinic staff member and on our website.

5.6 Legal Rights

You have legal rights regarding Services not performed with reasonable skill and care, or if materials used are faulty or not as described. These Terms do not affect your legal rights.

Events Outside Our Control

5.7 Liability for Delays

We are not liable for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any obligations caused by events outside our reasonable control.

5.8 Notification of Events

If an event outside our reasonable control affects our obligations, we will notify you as soon as possible. Our obligations will be suspended, and the performance time extended for the event’s duration.

5.9 Cancellation Due to Events

You may cancel the contract if an event outside our control occurs and you no longer wish us to provide the Services. No cancellation fee will apply in such cases.

The Contract

5.10 Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions, along with the Admission Letter and / or Consent Form, constitute the contract for services between you and us. By signing the Consent Form, you agree to these Terms.

5.11 Contract Parties

This contract is between you and McKeown Medical. No other person has rights to enforce its terms.

5.12 Governing Law

These Terms are governed by Scottish law. Both parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.

5.13 Conflicts

If there is any conflict between these Terms and your Admission Letter or Consent Form, these Terms will take precedence. If there is any conflict between marketing materials and these Terms, the contract (Admission Letter and Consent Form) will take precedence.

5.14 Transfer of Rights

We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation, and will notify you in writing if this happens. This transfer will not affect your rights or our obligations.

Changes to These Terms

5.15 Amendments

We may change these Terms at any time, but changes will only apply to new care or treatment and not to ongoing or currently received care.

5.16 Ending Care Early

If you wish to end care before it is completed, your rights to do so are set out in clause 3.3.

Information and Contact

5.17 Contact Information

Keep us updated with any changes to your contact details.

5.18 Company Information

We are registered in Scotland with our registered office at McKeown Medical, 167 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4SQ.

Payment Options

5.19 Payment Deadlines

5.19.1 Surgical procedures

Payment in full and in cleared funds is required two weeks prior to your procedure date. Failure to pay on time may result in cancellation and loss of your booking deposit.


5.19.1 Non-surgical procedures

Payment is required as set out in your treatment plan. Failure to pay on time may result in cancellation and loss of your booking deposit.


6.1 Terms Usage

When “we,” “our,” or “us” are used in these Terms, they refer to McKeown Medical.

6.2 Written Communications

“Writing” or “written” includes e-mail unless stated otherwise.

6.3 Key Terms

  • Admission Letter: The letter detailing your care, treatment, and Package Price, including procedure date confirmation.
  • Clinic: Any medical facility operated by McKeown Medical.
  • Consent Form: The form signed by you prior to your first clinic appointment.
  • Package Price: The cost for the Package of care, as specified in the Admission Letter.
  • Services: The services provided to you as detailed in the Admission Letter.

Terms: The terms and conditions in this document.